© 2024 Cindy Yoseffa. Munich, Germany.

About Me

Hey, I'm Cindy! You may know me from TikTok or YouTube as a Non-EU international medical student in Munich, Germany. If you wanted to know more about me, here is my chronological course of life.

1995 — 2010 : until Junior High School

I was born and raised until Junior High School in Sungai Penuh, Jambi, Indonesia. We have a small shop in our house, where my parents work, and I sometimes helped as a cashier. It also means, I've been trained since I was a kid to have a good work ethic and some sort of customer service.

© 2000 Cindy Yoseffa. Sungai Penuh, Jambi. My parents’ small shop still in the progress.

Being good at math is so important for me, because I always want to help my family with the customer‘s receipt. At school, I found science so fascinating and already went to several science and math competitions in my younger years. For me it was not for the win but for fun. So much, that it didn‘t bother me to go to another city for the comparison alone — of course with the guardian of my teachers.

© 2005 Official SEMPOA competition. Padang, West Sumatera. I won the competition as the 1st winner.

In Junior High School, I became the head student for the school student's organization (Ketua OSIS). It taught me a lot about organization, managing other students, and working towards goals in a team together, communicating with teachers, and let students‘ voices being heard.

© 2010 Cindy Yoseffa. Sungai Penuh, Jambi, Indonesia. Junior High School Uniform.

2010 — 2013 : Boarding School

Because my parents were busy working, I decided to go to a boarding school for Senior High School to help me prepare my life before living alone and study abroad in Munich.

Luckily, I got into one boarding school in Padang Panjang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, where I could concentrate more in learning and building my effective habits. I learned many languages in this boarding school, including German, Japanese, English, and Arabic in basic course. But as you may know, I'm prominent in German and English. I was also active participating in Debate Competition: English and Bahasa Indonesia, which taught me how to scientifically argue. I think the life in this boarding school does contribute to my independence.

2013 — 2015 : Deutscher Sprachkurs

I arrived in Munich with very little German. I did learn the basic in my boarding school, but it's of course not enough to study medicine in Munich, because I needed at least C1-Level German and had a „Sprachkurs-Visum“. I met many international friends in my German Language School in Munich. My goal at that moment was to get into “Studienkolleg München (M-Kurs)“. The school system in a lot of Non-EU countries differ than the one in German's Gymnasium. Hence as a Non-EU Student, it's a common practice, before you go to a German's university.

© 2013 Cindy Yoseffa. Karlsplatz (Stachus), Munich.

2015 –– 2016 : Studienkolleg München

I got into Studienkolleg München. It was pretty competitive, since a lot of international students from M-Kurs, wanted to study medicine and felt like there's not enough place for everyone.

© 2015 Cindy Yoseffa. Panorama Train Switzerland. After finding out, I got accepted into Studienkolleg München.

2016 –– 2019 : Medicine at LMU/TUM

I got accepted to study medicine at LMU/TU Munich. I wasn’t expecting it, since there were a lot of changes in my private life, and I have to learn to survive completely on my own abroad. The pressure was pretty high to acclimate with the German culture as quick as possible, with job hunting and studying medicine in German. I didn't have a smooth sail, as any other international and German students. So, I took one-year break and started going to therapy for the first time.

© 2017 Cindy Yoseffa, medical students and anatomy professors. Anatomy Institution, Medical Faculty LMU Munich.

2019 –– 2023 : The Lockdown, Social Media, AI MedTech

My therapy is getting better until the lockdown hit at the end of 2019. In lockdown, most of the lectures were online, and I immediately feel disconnected from the university experiences. Even though I lived in a student dorm, I wasn't allowed to visit other students in their rooms and many friends of mine moved to another city or changed their study. I was thinking about going back to Indonesia too, but it wasn't possible due to lockdown and the complicated bureaucracy. It was the darkest time of my life.

Feeling so isolated, I started posting on Youtube and TikTok to connect with other students or people around the world. Realizing that, I love connecting with other (international) students on social media, I built this website in order to share my experiences in depth as a Non-EU international medical student in Munich, Germany. Wish I can help other (Non-EU or German) students below me with my experiences.

I even think about quitting medicine at this time and imagined my self studying computer science. Until I found out, that there's a course in July 2022 from the medical student organization at LMU: AIM Programmierkurs.

© 2022 LMU AIM (OneAIM LabCode) Programmierkurs.

This is the landmark, where my interest in AI MedTech grows. So big that I joined the TUM.ai Makeathon in october 2022 with three computer science students from China (LMU), South Korea (TUM), and Spain (Zhe Jiang University, Hong Kong).

2023 — Now : Medicine, Part-Time Job, OneAIM

After many conversations with medical, business, and tech professionals, I decided to stay in medicine while working part-time. My part-time jobs were mostly medical skills, collecting medical data, digital marketing — making contents for doctor practices —, B2B between AI MedTech StartUp and Indonesian Hospitals.

In 2024, I’m officially a member of OneAIM in marketing sector, creating AI MedTech contents on Social Media and building more connections with students and professionals from different backgrounds in AI MedTech industries.

E-Mail me!
If you have a quick question, don't hesitate to write me a DM on Instagram or LinkedIn. For longer questions, please email me: hi@cindyyoseffa.com